
Monday, May 16, 2011


Sportsmanship is the most important value or moral that you can possibly learn as a person. It is exactly a representation of what CTR stands for. For example, I just saw this video about good sportsmanship. Mr. Haymore A.k.A the best teacher ever showed it to us. Its sbout this girl named Sarah who played for the team Western oregon. She had never hit a homerun in her life and it was a goal of hers to do so. It was the last inning of the game and bases were loaded. Sarah was up too bat and knew she had to try her hardest. So she swings at the ball and fly's out of the park. Its a homerun and she's so so she runs toward the bases. However, in her excitement she twists her ankle r sumtin. She lays down on the groud in pain (oh no!)... everybody is looking at her like omg1 whats gonna happen next. but then something amazing and touching happened (: 2 players on the opposite team (Central Washington) helped her up. Their names were Liz and Mallary and they carried her to home base... They thought that she had deserved it and she did. LOL!!! So those hot chicks celebrated and stuff while the fans were watching and crying. This comes to show you that its always a good idea to show good sportsmanship. When you show good sportsmanship than you are showing respect to your teammates and your opponents as well. You show that you acknowledge the opponents for their good game and for the fight that they put up. It is a sign of respect and it lets others see that you are a good person at heart.  Being a bad sports shows that you have no intention of playing the game for the fun of it but rather because you are selfish and you just want to win. It does not show respect to others and it gives you a bad reputation. It is always necessary to be a good sport no matter if you win or lose a match and always help others in need. Even if you are out of the field.

Done by Daliah & Edgar!!