
Monday, February 28, 2011


            Is teen love, LOVE? In many cases adults tend to say that our love isn’t real but you know what? It is!  Teens are aloud to love and yeah maybe sometimes LOVE is said and not meant, but there’s always two sides of the story and some teens when said the word love they mean it. For example Romeo and Juliet they where teens when they fell in love, which was true love also forbidden they knew they couldn’t be together because of their rivaled family but yet they fought for each other’s love they went through everything till they reached death point. There are many other stories out there that prove that teen love is LOVE!
            A lot of teens say there in love but don’t even know if they really are because they don’t even know the meaning of it they don’t know what love is.  There are signs to know if he/she is the one for you for example:
But when you fall in love you will feel a special feeling like no other its different for every one. You always have to be strong because you never know what can happen because just like you can fall in love you can loose it as well.  But the thing you always have to remember is “let him/her go and if he/she returns it’s meant to be!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Personal Statements

What is a personal statement?!
A personal statement is what you live by&'it reflects what you are!
You have to be consistence with your Personal Statement because
there are times when, when you don't fallow it you will 
interfere with what you were doing.

How to make a Personal Statement?
Al you have to do is think about what your good at and how you can help out
for example, helpful doing service thats one way!

What do you do with it?
You follow it & keep up with it! 
You will feel successful knowing that you are helping out 
&keeping up with your statement!

"To help others in whatever i can, be concerned 
about everyone & not only of myself"


Friday, February 18, 2011

Just like Virgil says The greatest wealth is health." And it is true your health is the best wellness you can have and it’s also a key to success, but you have to know how to keep up with it. There’s an expression that my mom always used to tell me “its either you use it, or lose it” and well yeah maybe she didn’t use it for me to get in shape but eventually I started saying it to myself.  You have legs, arms, feet, etc… use them now go out and run, go walk, go sprint, go jog, go hike, go do anything active. Play sports there’s so many of them basketball, baseball, football, soccer, etc… DANCE easiest thing to do! It doesn’t matter if you’re a guy or a girl you can keep up with your health.

To be healthy you also have to be emotionally and mentally healthy or else there’s no use of it. You have to be emotionally stable. Once you are all of those you are for sure going to be successful! You will be able to achieve all your dreams and goals because your health is good! You can be a leader and help others in their health, keep them going, help THEM achieve their goals. You wouldn’t only be helping yourself but also the ones surrounding you! You will feel super good knowing you helped, your body will be in good healthy condition and so will your mind you will be a Successful Academic Champion!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The picture above looks funny right but the man is trying as hard as he can to get back his umm i really don't know what it is but he's trying which counts lol. He isn't giving up as you can see in his face(: he's struggling but doesn't let go. Like this man you should never give up and keep trying it may not be to get something but that thing can be your goal your trying to get just keep trying and trying!<3

"Try and fair, but don't fail to try."
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"
"The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a a different way."

Monday, February 14, 2011


  I hardly have any interests in anything why? Well because I really have no idea I don’t like doing anything. Nothing brings up my attention I’m a very hard person to please! Okay there is one thing that I like doing very much and that’s cosmetology I love anything having to do with hair, the face, nails, anything cosmetic (: I love doing hair that’s my number one thing. I know how to cut it dye it andstyle it. The cutting is the hardest of all you need to know various styles to get it down to what the other person wants. Dying hair is the best there is so many colors from being blonde to brunette to red head omg so so many hair colors you cant even imagine, you can do highlights, lowlights, and midlights. There are so many possibilities of how to color your hair I go crazy hahahah. The styling is super easy you can straighten it curl it feather it you can do perms, so many ways its hard to keep up and there’s new styles everyday! The face is a little bit harder you have to keep it healthy. Then there are people who like doing make up me I like the natural look maybe because  the only thing I like to do. I love doing nails too acrylic nails obviously. Its hard in the begin to learn but I got the hang of it. Well yeah I love cosmetology its one thing that really grabs my attention and I love to learn more about it.<3 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tyler Haws

(all the BYU players)
Tyler Haws: When he was small he played basketball he got kicked out, his dad told him that if he tried and  keep practicing good stuff will happen to him. He became a awesome Basketball player after high school decided to play for BYU. Tyler helped win 2 champion ships and he himself won State player of the year twice. This shows that doesn't matter who you are or what happens anything is possible and you can do everything you want as long as you put all your heart and mind in to it just keep practicing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jason McElwain 

Jason lived life with autism. He was the basketball manager for his high school. He wanted a chance to play in one of the games. Then, the day came, he was put into the game, it was the last game. He scored shot after shot. At the end of the game there was a lot of inspired people especially a particular family. The family also had a child with autism and gave them hope! Like he said "Sky is the limit, put all your effort, and NEVER give up!" Anyone can do anything as long as you put your heart and mind to it>.<

What my name means!!


  • Your first name of Dalia has given you a friendly, likeable nature, and you could excel in artistic, dramatic, and musical expression.
  • With this name, you desire the finer things in life, but you do not always have the resolve and vitality to put forth the effort necessary to fulfil your desires.
  • Your emotional feelings are easily affected and you will always be involved in other people's problems as a result of your overly sympathetic nature.
  • Though the name Dalia creates the urge to understand and help people, we draw to your attention that it causes an emotional intensity and sensitivity that is hard to control.
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid and nervous system.
I was just named Dalia because it was just random there wasn't a real reason to name me Dalia it was a last minute type of thing. I used to hate me name but now i love it, its unique(: